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Finger Air Reel

"Works super on short crops, but also helps in heavy crops. Beans that shatter are blown into the combine and feeding is more even. My (first) Finger Air Reel required no repairs in 4 years and 4,000 acres."
Ron Tersteeg, Bird Island, MN

"It's a real must in short beans. No other way to get them."
Lowell Weitzenkamp, Hooper, NE

"I'm very impressed with this reel...it's the greatest innovation to harvesting standing crops since the self-propelled combine."
Scott Roggenbuck, Harbor Beach, MI

"Every bean that was cut by the cutterbar went in to the combine --not on the ground. I'd never go back to the regular reel."
Peter Litton, Ft. Smith, AR

"The reel worked good in both short, hailed and thick & drilled conditions. I had kind of forgot how nice this reel fed the crop into the combine until I was given the opportunity to drive a new JD 9500 with a conventional reel. The beans-short and tall-fed into our old combine evenly but piled and bunched on the new combine."
Ron Lampe, Havelock, IA

"Never had a single rock in the rock trap last year on 450 acres of soy beans. Didn't go up feeder house with bean bunches, there were no "bunches" feeding into combine."
Mike Mills: Clinton, MN

"Anyone else that runs the combine or that I combine for all rave about how wonderful the Air Reel is & what a good job it does."
Ned Trenhaile: Shelbyville, MO

"Great, best thing since popcorn, we start earlier and go later at night."
David Braun: Rosholt, SD

"I now use one platform for all crops. Improvement is most notable in soybeans, then mila & wheat."
Richard J Whitehair: Abilene, KS

"I believe the air reel paid for itself in it's first year of use. Our beans were down to 8-10% moisture. We shut off our 2nd combine and ran only the one with the air reel."
Ronald Abens: Gilmore City, IA

"Due to dry conditions soybeans were extremely short and light. Air Reel kept them blown in & feeding smoothly."
Bob Cooper: Salisbury, MO

"Used it in short Soybeans, very short navy's and lodged wheat."
Jason Siegert: Hillsboro, ND

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